St. Andrew Christian Church
Sunday, March 09, 2025
A Place to Believe, Belong and be Loved
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In 1923, in the home of Mother Matthews, twenty-five former members of the Green Memorial Baptist Church became chartered members of a new fellowship. These baptized believers passed on a sacred heritage and flaming torch of scripture Acts 2:42, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer”. The Power and Wisdom of God sent Pastors after His own heart, who inherited the Prophet’s Mantle, the Shepherd’s Heart and the Apostle’s Spirit to “rightly divide the Word of Truth” 2 Timothy 2:15.

 In 1926, the church was organized by the late Rev. Sanders K. Jackson and established as the St. Andrew Baptist Church. The first place of worship was a small building with sawdust floors and pews made of planks supported by cement blocks. The church was located at 523 E. Marshall Street in Tulsa. Rev. Woods led the people of God until 1937. Then Rev. Weeks would carefully shepherd until 1940.
God assigned Rev. M.V. Ferguson, better known as “Dad-Ferguson” to pastor St. Andrew’s congregation next. He was a quiet man who did not run with a crowd. When he spoke, the people listened. Sometimes in the midst of preaching his sermon, he would stop and speak directly to people, and what he spoke would come to past. What a powerful man, he was. In 1965, Pastor Ferguson transitioned from earth glory.
Ferguson was succeeded by his assistant pastor, Rev. G.A. Webb. He was known as “the people’s pastor”. His personality would light up a room. He preached with visual aids and dramatics. He once climbed a ladder in the middle of a sermon that was about Jacob’s ladder. During Rev. Webb’s pastorate, St. Andrew moved from 523 E. Marshall Pl. to 3115 N. Garrison Ave. The church grew tremendously under his leadership. In the new facility, pews quickly filled and chairs were placed in the aisles. St. Andrew was booming. After 14 years, Rev. Webb stepped down in 1979.
 On May 15, 1980, the Lord assigned Rev. Bertrand M. Bailey Sr. as pastor, to lead this beautiful congregation in the fulfilling work of the Great Commission. Pastor Bailey led St. Andrew to invest in the Baptist denominational work on the District, State, Regional, and National levels. He was a noted preacher across America.  

Developing and guiding preachers into pastors was his specialty. Under his leadership St. Andrew launched the A.M.O.S Team which focused on bringing people to Christ in the community. St. Andrew funded many new renovations including new wood paneling, carpeting, and restrooms. Pastor Bailey faithfully guided God’s people for 37 years at St. Andrew. August of 2017, Pastor Bailey’s tenure and accomplishments were recognized and acknowledged by a street re-naming in his honor. N. Garrison Ave. is now Dr. Bertrand Bailey Sr. Ave.   


On May 15, 2016, led by the Holy Spirit and through a church vote, Dr. Bertrand Bailey Sr. added to his Pastoral staff, his son, Reverend Dr. Bertheophilus Maurice Judge Bailey, Sr., as General Pastor appointed by God to succeed him and continue in carrying the Prophet’s Mantle. On February 14, 2018, Dr. Bertrand Bailey Sr. was called from labor to reward. With the Pastoral torch in the hands of Rev. Dr. B. M. “Judge” Bailey Sr. and at his side, his faithful wife, First Lady Arrica Bailey, they have continued to run the race set before them under a new pastoral vision. “We love and serve God. We love and serve others. We impact our world by sharing Jesus and we transform believers into disciples.”


With a clear Vision and Mission, St. Andrew is endeavoring to reduce hunger in our community, is partnering with dedicated ministries and various community resources, and is providing utility assistance for families in need. St. Andrew is committed to sharing Jesus with the families in our community. We have added to our radio ministry outreach, increased services on our Website, provided Facebook live Worship experiences, and now offer Bible Study teaching and training videos on YouTube. St. Andrew has updated and upgraded its facilities with technology to engage members in modern forms of growth and learning. Dr. Judge Bailey and Sis. Arrica, are leading St. Andrew in loving and serving with the heart of Christ.

Dr. Judge has committed to leading St. Andrew according to the blueprint of Holy Scripture. Through his leadership we have released our affiliation to the Baptist denominated work and fully embraced Christ's Kingdom Christian fellowship, changing the name of the church to be the St. Andrew Christian Church. We openly embrace the calling of women to preach to Gospel of Jesus from the pulpit and also share our pulpit with various cultures and ethnicities.  


St. Andrew’s Pastors are listed below. Their accomplishments are too numerous to mention:


            Reverend S.K. Jackson 1923 – 1927

            Reverend W.H. Woods 1927-1937

            Reverend T. H. Weeks  1937 – 1940

            Reverend M.V. Ferguson 1940 – 1965

            Reverend G.A. Webb  1965 – 1979

            Reverend Dr. B. M. Bailey Sr. 1979 – 2018

            Reverend Dr. B. M. Judge Bailey Sr. 2018 - September 24, 2024


Only God has the whole history of the saints who continue in planting seeds of Faith, Hope and Love. We know we can only see and write in part, but someday before ‘The Throne of God’, we will see with new spiritual understanding. The last chapter of St. Andrew’s History will not be written until God adds up the work that we have yet to do!